Limnocorax flavirostra

Limnocorax flavirostra
1. LAT Limnocorax flavirostra (Swainson) [Amaurornis flavirostris (Swainson)]
2. RUS африканский чёрный пастушок m
3. ENG (African) black crake
4. DEU Mohrenralle f
5. FRA marouette f noire

Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Птицы. — М.: Русский язык, РУССО. . 1994.

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Смотреть что такое "Limnocorax flavirostra" в других словарях:

  • crake — /krayk/, n. any of several short billed rails, esp. the corn crake. [1275 1325; ME < ON krakr, kraki CROW] * * * ▪ bird  any of numerous marsh birds of the family Rallidae (order Gruiformes), generally any small rail (q.v.) in which the bill is… …   Universalium

  • gruiform — /grooh euh fawrm /, adj. Ornith. of or pertaining to birds of the order Gruiformes, including cranes, rails, and coots. [1895 1900; < NL gruiformis, sing. of Gruiformes, equiv. to Gru , s. of Grus a genus of the order (L grus CRANE) + iformes… …   Universalium

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